World Journal of Oncology, ISSN 1920-4531 print, 1920-454X online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, World J Oncol and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 15, Number 4, August 2024, pages 711-721

Results of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy With CyberKnife-M6 for Primary and Metastatic Lung Cancer


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Organ at risk and isodose distribution in a case with centrally located primary lung lesion
Figure 2.
Figure 2. A case with lymph node (4L) metastasis treated with 39 Gy/6 fx. (a) PET/CT image before treatment. (b) Complete response with PET/CT at 4 months after treatment. PET/CT: positron emission tomography/computed tomography.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Overall and local recurrence-free survival for all patients.


Table 1. Clinical Characteristics
FeaturesMedian (range) (%)
SBRT: stereotactic body radiotherapy; BED: biologically effective dose.
Median age (years)68 (47 - 82)
Male-to-female ratio29 to 6
Karnofsky performance status90 (70 - 100)
Histology (n = 35)
  Adenocarcinoma15 (43%)
  Squamous cell carcinoma10 (28.5%)
  Adenosquamous cell carcinoma1 (3%)
  Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC)2 (5.5%)
  LCNEC + small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC)2 (5.5%)
  SCLC1 (3%)
  Non-small cell lung carcinoma2 (5.5%)
  Histological diagnosis absent2 (5.5%)
Stage before SBRT (AJCC 2018) (n = 35)
  I20 (57%)
  II0 (0%)
  III5 (14%)
  IV10 (29%)
Tumor size (mm) (n = 42)15 (6 - 36) (mean 22.5 ± 1.88)
  Primary lung lesion (n = 23)17 (10 - 36) (mean 26 ± 2.44)
  Metastatic lung lesion (n = 12)12 (6 - 30) (mean 15 ± 1.90)
  Lymph node metastasis (n = 7)13 (10 - 20) (mean 18 ± 1.36)
Lung lesion (n = 35)
  Right20 (57%)
  Left15 (43%)
Lymph nodes (n = 7)
  4R3 (43%)
  4L1 (14%)
  51 (14%)
  61 (14%)
  71 (14%)
Prescription dose (Gy/fx) (n = 42)48 Gy/4 fx (28 - 55 Gy/1- 7 fx)
  Primary lung lesion (n = 23)50 Gy/5 fx (40 - 55 Gy/4 - 7 fx)
  Metastatic lung lesion (n = 12)48 Gy/4 fx (28 - 55 Gy/1 - 7 fx)
  Lymph node metastases (n = 7)36 Gy/6 fx (30 - 42 Gy/5 - 6 fx)
BED10 (Gy) (n = 42)105.6 (48 - 151.2) (mean 118 ± 5.63)
  Primary lung lesion (n = 23)105.6 (80 - 151.2) (mean 131 ± 10.19)
  Metastatic lung lesion (n = 12)105.6 (48 - 151.2) (mean 97 ± 10.19)
  Lymph node metastases (n = 7)57.6 (48 - 72) (mean 71 ± 0.21)
Response at a median 2 month (1 - 6) (n = 42)
  Complete11 (26%)
  Partial26 (62%)
  Stable4 (9.5%)
  Unevaluated1 (2.5%)
Response at 12th month (n = 42)
  Complete15 (35.5%)
  Partial20 (47.5%)
  Stable2 (5%)
  Progression5 (12%)


Table 2. Dosimetric Features
Features (n = 42)Median (range, %)
ITV: internal target volume; PTV: planning target volume.
Tracking method
  Two-view5 (12%)
  One-view13 (31%)
  Zero-view24 (57%)
Node number37 (4 - 60)
Beam number38 (22 - 128)
Segment number47 (25 - 82)
Beam on time (min)25 (12 - 42)
Duration of treatment (day)7 (1 - 14)
Dose (Gy)48 (30 - 55)
Fraction number4 (1 - 7)
ITV volume (cc)9.64 (1.89 - 52.34)
PTV volume (cc)21.27 (5.57 - 82.70)
PTV isodose (%)82.75% (74.50-99.00%)
PTV 95% (cGy)4,801 (2,800 - 5,842)
PTV coverage (%)95% (94-100%)
Conformity index1.13 (1.01 - 1.77)
New conformity index1.19 (1.07 - 1.47)
Homogeneity index1.21 (1.10 - 1.32)
Monitor units16,924.5 (6,223.7 - 35,236.4)
Total lung volume (cc)2,777.85 (1,402.00 - 6,345.44)
Lung 1500cc (Gy)1.31 (0.00 - 4.72)
Lung 1000 cc (Gy)2.22 (0.19 - 7.24)
Mean lung dose (Gy)2.74 (0.70 - 7.20)
Lung V5 (%)16.55% (0.00-49.40%)
Lung V20 (%)2.55% (0.00-7.50%)
Ipsilateral mean lung dose (Gy)5.74 (0.98 - 13.50)
Heart max dose (Gy)4.88 (0.09 - 41.50)
Esophagus max dose (Gy)11.69 (0.00 - 41.06)
  For central lesions (n = 8)21.67 (9.99 - 41.06)
  For peripheral lesions (n = 34)7.91 (0.00 - 3,103)
Spinal cord max dose (Gy)7.37 (0.97 - 20.46)


Table 3. Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of Factors Influencing Overall Survival
Significance in univariate analysisOS (mean, months, 95% CI)P valueLRFS (mean, months, 95% CI)P value
*P < 0.05. SUVmax: maximum standard uptake value; CI: confidence interval; SBRT: stereotactic body radiotherapy; OS: overall survival; LRFS: local recurrence-free survival.
Patients (n = 35)31.55 (26.01 - 3708)29.67 (23.52 – 35.82)
85.7% (1-year)76.7% (1-year)
54.1% (2-year)51.4% (2-year)
Smoking pack-year (case)0.026*0.057
  ≥ 40 (n = 20)35.52 (29.00 - 42.03)34.62 (27.57 - 41.66)
  < 40 (n = 12)23.10 (15.09 - 31.10)21.83 (12.83 - 30.83)
Target lesion< 0.001*< 0.001*
  Primary lung (n = 23)31.95 (25.89 - 38.01)30.90 (24.37 - 37.44)
  Metastatic lung (n = 12)14.00 (9.77 - 18.22)9.02 (5.64 - 12.40)
  Lymph node (n = 7)42.57 (36.35 - 48.79)40.42 (30.31 - 50.53)
Response (2nd month)0.044*0.043*
  Complete (n = 11)40.18 (32.92 - 47.44)39.02 (30.29 - 47.74)
  Partial (n = 26)27.02 (20.96 - 33.08)25.46 (18.92 - 32.00)
  Stable (n = 4)19.50 (5.39 - 35.57)14.00 (0.00 - 31.07)
Response (12th month)0.002*0.034*
  Complete (n = 15)43.73 (39.41 - 30.43)36.88 (29.28 - 44.49)
  Partial (n = 20)21.54 (15.21 - 27.87)23.12 (15.59 - 30.65)
  Stable (n = 2)14.50 (0.00 - 29.20)16.00 (3.52 - 28.47)
  Progression (n = 5)22 (13.41 - 30.58)8.20 (3.19 - 13.20)
Esophagus max (Gy)0.044*0.020*
  < 11.69 (n = 19)23.63 (16.82 - 30.43)17.64 (11.33 - 23.95)
  ≥ 11.69 (n = 23)34.45 (28.06 - 40.85)33.67 (26.86 - 40.48)
SUVmax before SBRT0.018*0.027*
  < 5 (n = 17)25.00 (17.32 - 32.67)21.66 (12.76 - 30.56)
  ≥ 5 (n = 18)37.60 (31.43 - 43.77)36.01 (28.75 - 43.26)
Significance in Cox regression analysisHazard ratio (95% CI)
Response (12th month)8.602 (1.05 - 70.01)0.044*


Table 4. Correlation Coefficients Among Dosimetric Variables (Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation)
ParametersNode numberBeam numberSegment numberMonitor unitsBeam on timeITV med (cc)PTV (cc)
r: Spearman’s correlation coefficient; ITV: internal target volume; PTV: planning target volume; CI: conformity index; nCI: new conformity index; MLD: mean lung dose; Vx: lung volume receiving x Gy.
Beam numberP < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001
r = 0.940r = 0.896r = 0.547r = 0.495
Segment numberP < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.026
r = 0.860r = 0.896r = 0.663r = 0.356
Monitor unitsP < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.002
r = 0.582r = 0.547r = 0.663r = 0.456
Beam on timeP < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.026
r = 0.506r = 0.495r = 0.356
CI medianP = 0.022
r = -0.353
nCI medianP = 0.032
r = -0.332
Heart 15 ccP < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.008
r = 0.490r = 0.516r = 0.679r = 0.401
Heart maxP = 0.025P = 0.023P < 0.001P = 0.046
r = 0.368r = 0.373r = 0.577r = 0.330
Lung 1500 ccP = 0.009P = 0.006P < 0.001P = 0.002P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001
r = 0.398r = 0.415r = 0.559r = 0.456r = 0.525r = 0.497r = 0.585
Lung 1000 ccP = 0.006P = 0.002P < 0.001P = 0.002P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001
r = 0.417r = 0.459r = 0.626r = 0.456r = 0.512r = 0.510r = 0.596
MLDP = 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.004P < 0.001P = 0.002P < 0.001
r = 0.482r = 0.533r = 0.624r = 0.438r = 0.576r = 0.471r = 0.565
Lung V5P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.006P = 0.001
r = 0.549r = 0.578r = 0.781r = 0.503r = 0.415r = 0.486
Lung V10P = 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.004P = 0.006P < 0.001
r = 0.475r = 0.523r = 0.754r = 0.501r = 0.431r = 0.419r = 0.494
Lung V20P = 0.014P = 0.007P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0. 001P < 0.001P < 0.001
r = 0.376r = 0.411r = 0.701r = 0.546r = 0.538r = 0.563r = 0.588
Lung V30P = 0.013P = 0.009P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001
r = 0.381r = 0.397r = 0.651r = 0.515r = 0.586r = 0.559r = 0.578
Ipsilateral lung MLDP < 0.001P < 0.001P < 0.001P = 0.004P = 0.008P < 0.001P < 0.001
r = 0.529r = 0.578r = 0.776r = 0.431r = 0.405r = 0.502r = 0.593
Ipsilateral lung V10P = 0.007P = 0.002P < 0.001P = 0.046P = 0.018P = 0.022P = 0.003
r = 0.409r = 0.462r = 0.617r = 0.309r = 0.363r = 0.354r = 0.443
Ipsilateral lung V20P = 0.007P = 0.004P < 0.001P = 0.041P = 0.002P = 0.006P < 0.001
r = 0.408r = 0.430r = 0.583r = 0.316r = 0.457r = 0.415r = 0.501
Ipsilateral lung V30P = 0.019P = 0.016P < 0.001P = 0.048P < 0.001P = 0.004P < 0.001
r = 0.360r = 0.369r = 0.517r = 0.307r = 0.538r = 0.430r = 0.524