World Journal of Oncology, ISSN 1920-4531 print, 1920-454X online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, World J Oncol and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 15, Number 4, August 2024, pages 625-639

Comparison of Outcomes Between Partial and Radical Laparoscopic Nephrectomy for Localized Renal Tumors Larger Than Four Centimeters: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Figure 1.
Figure 1. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) 2020 flow diagram for the systematic review.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Forest plots of perioperative outcomes for LPN vs. LRN. (a) Operative time. (b) Intraoperative blood loss. LPN: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; LRN: laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; CI: confidence interval; SD: standard deviation.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Forest plot of postoperative complications graded by Clavien-Dindo system. LPN: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; LRN: laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; CI: confidence interval.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Forest plots of renal function outcomes for LPN vs LRN. (a) eGFR decline. (b) CKD increase. LPN: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; LRN: laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; CI: confidence interval; SD: standard deviation.
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Forest plots of oncological outcomes for LPN vs. LRN. (a) Tumor recurrence (including local recurrence and distant metastasis). (b) Cancer-specific mortality. (c) Overall mortality. LPN: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; LRN: laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; CI: confidence interval.


Table 1. The Baseline Characteristics of Included Studies
StudyCountryPeriodCohortCohort sizeAgeBMI (kg/m2)M/FTumor sidecT1bPerioperative eGFR (mL/min)Perioperative CKDFollow-up
aThe original data format is not mean ± standard deviation, and the data in the table are obtained after estimation and adjustment of the original data. LPN: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; LRN: laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; MIPN: minimally invasive partial nephrectomy; MIRN: minimally invasive radical nephrectomy; RLPN: robotic-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; RLRN: robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; BMI: body mass index; R/L: right/left; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; CKD: chronic kidney disease; NA: not available; mo: months; yr: years; M/F: male/female.
Simmons et al, 2009 [10]USA2001 - 2005LPN3563.5 ± 1232.1 ± 1026/9R22/L13NA74 ± 27III 8/35 (22%)44 mo
IV 3/35 (9%)
V (0)
LRN7563.4 ± 1229.5 ± 739/36R37/L38NA80.4 ± 31III 17/75 (23%)57 mo
IV 1/75 (1%)
V (0)
Deklaj et al, 2010 [11]USA2002 - 2008LPN3359.6 ± 15.0a29.0 ± 5.5a23/10NA3387.4 ± 39.4≥ III 6/33 (18%)15 mo
V (0)
LRN5264.4 ± 14.5a30.0 ± 5.8a28/24NA52101.4 ± 41.8≥ III 13/52 (25%)21 mo
V (0)
Brewer et al, 2012 [9]USA2004 - 2010MIPN4562.6 ± 15.231.5 ± 6.528/17R21/L24NANAIII - IV 16/45 (36%)NA
MIRN10865.1 ± 13.231.4 ± 7.569/39R51/57NANAIII - IV 47/108 (44%)NA
Cai et al, 2018 [16]China2005 - 2012LPN3953 ± 9.0a23.55 ± 3.8226/13R21/L183978.94 ± 18.74NA67 mo
LRN16054 ± 14.8a23.25 ± 4.1997/63R68/L9216085.27 ± 19.87NA70 mo
Mizrahi et al, 2018 [12]Israel2012 - 2017LPN13NANA8/5NA0NANA44.5 mo
LRN16NANA10/6NA0NANA44.5 mo
Deng et al, 2019 [13]China2008 - 2017RLPN7448.5 ± 11.8NA41/33R39/L355285.2 ± 19.6≥ III 11/74 (14.9%)41.0 mo
RLRN7448.8 ± 12.5NA42/32R40/L345386.7 ± 18.6≥ III 9/74 (12.2%)36.0 mo
Yang et al, 2020 [14]China2003 - 2016LPN17756.9 ± 9.8123.8 ± 2.61112/65R89/L8817795.3 ± 32.4≥ III 14/177 (7.9%)55.0 mo
LRN15457.1 ± 9.6223.6 ± 2.2599/55R75/L7915492.6 ± 23.5≥ III 19/154 (12.3%)54.7 mo
Yu et al, 2020 [17]ChinaNALPN6249.77 ± 5.5824.73 ± 4.5942/20R34/L286283.07 ± 10.47NA60 mo
LRN8450.89 ± 5.7825.19 ± 3.9956/28R44/L408483.56 ± 13.66NA60 mo
Sun et al, 2023 [15]China2012 - 2017LPN5156.10 ± 14.4723.77 ± 2.9032/19R27/L244774.14 ± 19.18≥ III 12/51 (23.5%)7.5 yr
LRN5158.24 ± 13.0523.98 ± 2.9236/15R25/L264574.54 ± 20.24≥ III 11/51 (21.6%)7.5 yr


Table 2. The Heterogeneity Test for Baseline Characteristics
Baseline characteristicsLPN vs. LRNHeterogeneityAnalysis model
LPN: laparoscopic partial nephrectomy; LRN: laparoscopic radical nephrectomy; WMD: weighted mean difference; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; BMI: body mass index; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; CKD: chronic kidney disease.
Age WMD (95% CI)-0.94 (-2.05, 0.18)2.720%0.91Random
BMI WMD (95% CI)0.09 (-0.32, 0.50)3.660%0.72Random
Male OR (95% CI)1.1 (0.86, 1.39)7.560%0.48Random
Right side OR (95% CI)1.15 (0.90, 1.46)2.440%0.88Random
cT1b OR (95% CI)1.05 (0.56, 1.96)0.450%0.50Random
Preoperative eGFR WMD (95% CI)-1.58 (-4.28, 1.13)6.8713%0.33Random
Preoperative CKD OR (95% CI)0.91 (0.64, 1.29)3.270%0.66Random


Table 3. The Risk of Bias Assessment of Each Study by Using the ROBINS-I Tool
StudyDomain 1Domain 2Domain 3Domain 4Domain 5Domain 6Domain 7Overall
Domain 1: bias due to confounding. Domain 2: bias in selection of participants into the study. Domain 3: bias in classification of interventions. Domain 4: bias due to deviations from intended interventions. Domain 5: bias due to missing data. Domain 6: bias in measurement of outcomes. Domain 7: bias in selection of the reported result. Low risk: the study is judged to be at low risk of bias for all domains. Moderate risk: the study is judged to be at low or moderate risk of bias for all domains. Serious risk: the study is judged to be at serious risk of bias in at least one domain, but not at critical risk of bias in any domain. Critical risk: the study is judged to be at critical risk of bias in at least one domain. No information: there is no clear indication that the study is at serious or critical risk of bias and there is a lack of information in one or more key domains of bias. Low: low risk; Moderate: moderate risk; Serious: serious risk; Critical: critical risk.
Simmons et al, 2009 [10]ModerateModerateModerateModerateModerateLowLowModerate
Deklaj et al, 2010 [11]ModerateLowLowModerateLowLowModerateModerate
Brewer et al, 2012 [9]ModerateModerateLowModerateModerateModerateModerateModerate
Cai et al, 2018 [16]ModerateModerateLowModerateModerateLowModerateModerate
Mizrahi et al, 2018 [12]ModerateModerateLowModerateSeriousModerateModerateSerious
Deng et al, 2019 [13]ModerateLowLowModerateSeriousModerateModerateSerious
Yang et al, 2020 [14]ModerateLowLowModerateModerateLowModerateModerate
Yu et al, 2020 [17]ModerateLowLowModerateLowLowLowModerate
Sun et al, 2023 [15]ModerateLowLowModerateLowLowLowModerate


Table 4. The Egger’s Test for Effect Sizes
Effect sizesInterceptIntercept P valueSlopeSlope P valueCorrelation coefficient, r
C-D: Clavien-Dindo system; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; CKD: chronic kidney disease.
Tumor size-3.1300.2400.1770.6310.063
Operative time1.8000.2100.5010.9390.002
Intraoperative blood loss3.0300.027-2.7300.5390.137
Intraoperative complications1.7690.376-0.9290.480.271
Postoperative complications1.5870.024-0.5430.0540.488
Postoperative complications (C-D I - II grade)2.2480.047-0.7550.0710.717
Postoperative complications (≥ C-D III grade)1.4200.301-1.0030.4260.220
eGFR decline1.3600.5119.1300.2020.255
Tumor recurrence0.6250.518-0.2780.6060.072
Cancer-specific mortality0.5060.359-0.6990.1720.929
Overall mortality2.3510.220-1.0750.2290.876


Table 5. Relevant Meta-Analysis Comparing PN and RN
StudyPeriodIncluded studiesCohortcTPerioperative outcomesRenal function outcomesOncological outcomes
Operative time, WMD (95% CI)EBLComplicationseGFR declineCKD onsetRecurrenceRFS/PFSCSS/CSMOS/ACM
WMD (95% CI)OR (95% CI)WMD (95% CI)RR (95% CI)RR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)
EBL: estimated blood loss; NA: not available; WMD: weighted mean differences; CI: confidence interval; OR: odds rate; RR: relative risk; HR: hazard ratio; RFS: recurrence-free survival; PFS: progression-free survival; CSS: cancer-specific survival; CSM: cancer-specific mortality; ACM: all-cause mortality; OS: overall survival; yr: year; PN: partial nephrectomy; RN: radical nephrectomy.
Mir et al, 2016 [20]1970 - 201121PN: 2,584 vs. RN: 8,620cT1b - cT210.93 min (-17.8, 39.6), P = 0.46102.61 mL (45.72, 159.49) P = 0.00041.74 (1.34, 2.24), P < 0.0001-8.68 mL/min (-12.62, -4.74), P < 0.00010.52 (0.36, 0.76), P = 0.00060.6 (0.46, 0.79), P = 0.0002NACSM 0.58 (0.41, 0.81), P = 0.001ACM 0.67 (0.51, 0.88), P = 0.005
cT2NA107.61 mL (84.46, 130.75), P < 0.000012 (1.50, 2.68), P < 0.00001NANA0.61 (0.44, 0.86), P = 0.004NACSM 0.65 (0.44, 0.97), P = 0.03ACM 0.76 (0.56, 1.03), P = 0.07
Jiang et al, 2019 [18]NA16PN: 4,176 vs. RN: 21,794cT1bNANA1.45 (0.95, 2.21), P = 0.09-9.15 mL/min (-10.30, -7.99), P < 0.00001NA0.68 (0.46, 0.98), P = 0.045-yr RFS 0.99 (0.98, 1.01), P = 0.315-yr CSS 1.02 (1.01, 1.03), P = 0.00065-yr OS 1.02 (1.00, 1.05), P = 0.05
10-yr RFS 1.00 (0.91, 1.10), P = 0.9710-yr CSS 1.04 (1.03, 1.06), P < 0.0000110-yr OS 1.17 (0.95, 1.44), P = 0.13
Deng et al, 2019 [23]1970 - 201712PN: 1,172 vs. RN: 1,734≥ cT265.33 min (51.93, 78.73), P < 0.0000197.75 mL (84.65, 110.84), P < 0.000012.82 (2.03, 3.93), P < 0.00001-11.59 mL/min (-9.99, -13.20), P < 0.00001NANANACSS 0.91, (0.68, 1.21), P = 0.51OS 0.76 (0.64, 0.90), P = 0.001
Li et al, 2019 [22]1970 - 201711PN: 1,146 vs. RN: 18,135≥ cT2NA100.44 mL (79.98, 120.90) P < 0.000011.96 (1.58, 2.44), P < 0.00001-9.00 mL/min (-13.72, -4.29), P = 0.0002NA0.57 (0.42, 0.75), P < 0.0001NACSM 0.58 (0.39, 0.86), P = 0.007ACM 0.78 (0.65, 0.92), P = 0.004
Huang et al, 2021 [21]1970 - 201715PN: 1,975 vs. RN: 3,081≥ cT244.85 min (8.17, 81.52), P = 0.02103.85 mL (77.13, 130.57), P < 0.000012.09 (1.56, 2.80), P < 0.00001-11.74 mL/min (-13.15, -10.32), P < 0.00001NA0.69 (0.53, 0.90), P = 0.007NACSM 1.01 (0.46, 2.19), P = 0.99OS 0.77 (0.65, 0.90), P = 0.002
CSS 0.91 (0.68, 1.21), P = 0.51ACM 0.58 (0.39, 0.88), P = 0.010
Zhang et al, 2021 [19]1979 - 201413PN: 1,974 vs. RN: 5,091cT1b-3.98 min (-14.99, 7.02), P = NA-16.47 mL (-68.06, 35.13), P = 0.531.32 (0.95, 1.84), P = 0.10-6.60 mL/min (-12.85, -0.35), P = 0.040.38 (0.19, 0.76), P = 0.0060.53 (0.32, 0.86), P = 0.01PFS 0.70 (0.40, 1.24), P = 0.22CSS 0.91 (0.66, 1.26), P = 0.57OS 1.01 (0.81, 1.26), P = 0.96