Learning From Mistakes: Importance of a Multidisciplinary Group, A Case Report
There have been significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer over the past 20 years, due to increased knowledge about the biology and molecular changes in breast cancer. These advances have increased the complexity of treatment decision-making for individual women, and reinforced the need for a team approach to treatment decision-making. We report the case of an 80-year-old woman with a recidive invasive ductal breast carcinoma of high grade. In October 2015, she discovered an indolent breast bulk through self-examination and in the December of the same year, after the routine staging exams, she undergone a quadrantectomy and a limphoadenectomy. In March 2016, the patient was sent to our structure for a cycle of radiation therapy by her oncologist, even though a suspected lesion was seen on the thoracic wall on recent computed tomography scans. Our aim was to show an example about the importance of collaboration and multidisciplinary group in treating cancer.
World J Oncol. 2016;7(4):91-93
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14740/wjon968e
World J Oncol. 2016;7(4):91-93
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14740/wjon968e
Breast cancer; Multidisciplinary group; Secondary lesion